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| list 显示机器上的蓝牙设备 show [ctrl] 显示机器上蓝牙状态信息 select <ctrl> 选着一个蓝牙设备 devices 列出所有的蓝牙设备 paired-devices 列出一配对的设备 power <on/off> 打开蓝牙 pairable <on/off> 设置设备是否可以配对 discoverable <on/off> 设置是否可见 agent <on/off/capability> Enable/disable agent with given capability default-agent Set agent as the default one scan <on/off> 扫描设备 info <dev> 设备信息 pair <dev> 配对 trust <dev> 信任设备 untrust <dev> Untrust device block <dev> 拉黑设备 unblock <dev> Unblock device remove <dev> 删除一个设备 connect <dev> 连接设备 disconnect <dev> 断开 version Display version quit Quit program
service bluetooth status
- connect 报错

bluetoothctrl connect 报错
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| [bluetooth]# connect 22:22:04:EE:32:B0 Attempting to connect to 22:22:04:EE:32:B0 Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
1 2
| sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pavucontrol pulseaudio --start
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